Friday, November 28, 2008

IMAZ pt. 2

I started the run at 6:11 elapsed time and just KNEW that I had my coveted 9:30 goal within grasp. I ran the first mile with all the restraint I could muster. It did not even feel like I was jogging it was sooooo easy. The next few miles felt just as good and all I told myself was “slow it down, take your time, get ready for that second half marathon.”

Running and feeling good.

Aid station on the run course.

Somewhere during the second lap of the 3-lap marathon, I noticed my splits creeping around 8 minutes. I did not worry because I knew I had a surplus of time still, and just kept eating and drinking. Somewhere during the second lap I realized I was struggling to hold the 8 minute miles and by the third lap I was reduced to 90% walking.

Walking and wondering what the--- just happened.

The finish line always feels good....

...just not as good when you don't reach your goal.

I can look back at this-or-that in my training, second-guess my race strategy, or just give up. Maybe I will. One thing I know for certain is that the 9:30 Ironman will be the biggest challenge I ever take on. It was within my grasp as it has been close in the past, and I again got my a** handed to me. I suppose it is important to remember that not every story has a happy ending.

1 comment:

Scattered Singles said...


For some of us, its' JWTF.
"Just Want To Finish"
That's the hare class, not the rabbit class ...

Even if you didn't JWTFWPR "Just Want to Finish With Personal Record" doesn't make you any less of a SUPERSTAR in my book.

You always ROCK - !!!

Janet W.
Columbia, MO