Friday, September 26, 2008

My Race Report from Music City

In my results blog I usually keep the attention off myself...I want to emphasize the performance of my clients and friends. Please scroll down and see what they have accomplished.

This was such a remarkable day however that I wanted to write up a race report myself. In short, I did not even get to the end of the driveway of the park before my back tire flatted. I remembered the extra wheel in my car, so I rode the flat back to swap wheels. I had gotten back riding on the new wheel for less than a minute before I launched my water bottle hopping over a speed bump.

It is against the rules to abandon equipment, and I knew I would need the water for a brutal windy 27 mile ride. To compound my troubles, it took me minutes to find that darn bottle which had rolled under a parked car. When I found it, the top was ajar and it was only 25% full.

I finally got going and I decided I was going to give this race everything I could muster despite my misfortune. Yes it was windy. I stayed off the shoulder of the road and hence avoided any additional flats. I ate two gels but only a tiny bit of water. I raced hard.

At the end of the day I had scrapped my way up into third in my age group, which I am very proud of. (Congrats to Javier who outsprinted me for second.) I also received an award for having the fastest T1 and fastest combined T1 and T2, which netted me some handsome Fleet Feet gift cards.

As far as I am concerned this was just another day at the office for an elite endurance athlete and coach. I expose my clients to challenges that stretch their abilities, and I do my best to equip them with the ability to rise above the chaos of unpredictable race day. When I race, I try to model these qualities.

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