Thursday, November 25, 2010

Stephen Bourgeois at Clearwater Ironman 70.3 World Championship

Stephen Bourgois, my former training partner and long time friend from Columbia MO recently competed at 70.3 Ironman World Championships in Clearwater, FL.  I knew Steve was training hard.  We both went to Age Group Worlds in Vancouver 2008, so he knows high-level competition.  He was hungry for this one.

Steve said, "I did everything in the plan.  Get out there, [bike] like hell, be fresh for the run."  The plan worked.  "I couldn't even imagine my bike split would be 2:14, I thought It might be 2:25 or 2:30....And the bike made the run."

Steve zealously recounted how intense the handling was on the bike leg.  "A guy went down in front of me.  I locked up my disk wheel, skidding out of the way, then back on full power again."

 The infamous packs were present at Clearwater.  My advice to Stephen:

Whenever you go into a championship, race like you mean it.  Be aware that people are going to race close, race hard, and officiating often gets a little sparse.  Everyone knows the reputation at Clearwater, and Age Group Worlds is the same way. 
"A highlight was going into T2 and knowing whether I was going to be able to run or not...I already knew.  I could run, there would be no hitch there.  And it was because of proper bike training." Steve has been incorporating power-based intervals into his bike training. 

He got off the bike and had a strong run of 1:29.  A major focus was HR pacing, and staying cool in the moderate heat.

I have amazing respect and admiration for Steve.  In his 50's, he continues to get faster and faster.  His 4:16 here smokes my half iron PR of 4:23.  More over, Steve is steadily working at running 50 marathons / 50 states.  He used this trip to nab another marathon-state.  Unfortunately both the Philidelphia Marathon and a marathon in Baltimore were both full.  So I got on the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club listserv, and found a trail 50K near Baltimore. This was his first 50K, and he got 2nd place!

Photo: Stephen Bourgeois finishing strong. 

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